Pool Control

Pool size

You can control the threadpool size when instantiating it with the constructors. Here are the different constructors you can use:

ThreadPool::ThreadPool::ThreadPool(std::size_t pool_size)

Constructs a ThreadPool.

  • pool_size: Number of threads to start.

ThreadPool::ThreadPool::ThreadPool(std::size_t pool_size, std::shared_ptr<Hooks> hooks)

Constructs a ThreadPool.

  • pool_size: Number of threads to start.
  • hooks: Hooks to register in the pool.

The pool_size parameter will determine the number of workers(threads) the pool will start when instantiating.

Stopping the pool

You can stop the pool with:

void ThreadPool::ThreadPool::stop()

Stop the ThreadPool.

A stopped ThreadPool will discard any task dispatched to it. All workers will discard new tasks, but the threads will not exit.

You can check if the pool is stopped with:

bool ThreadPool::ThreadPool::is_stopped() const

Check the state of the threadpool.

True if the ThreadPool is stopped, false otherwise.

Checking the pool

You can check the current state of the workers with:

std::size_t ThreadPool::ThreadPool::threads_available() const

Check on the number of threads not currently working.

The number might be imprecise, as between the time the value is read and returned, a thread might become unavailable.

The number of threads currently waiting for a task.

std::size_t ThreadPool::ThreadPool::threads_working() const

Check on the number of threads currently working.

The number might be imprecise, as between the time the value is read and returned, a thread might finish a task and become available.

The number of threads currently working.